Why do you want to be a leader?

So many people want to be leader just to be in a position, have a special seat for themselves, feel on top, have the whole achievement to their self and so on, while some virtuous people want to be a leader, to influence positively and to add value to others.
In this context, the major reason you want to be a leader is to “ADD VALUE TO PEOPLE”. Adding value to people involves so many things which are; influencing for better, motivating for better, helping to grow for better, promoting lives for good etc.
1--- Value them:

As a promising leader, adding value to people you must first value them. Make them feel important and make their opinion count and important.
John C. Maxwell said this in his words that;
“if you don’t value people, you will devalue people”
Most of our political leaders only value people when they are vying for a position, but after attaining the position they forget those they once valued and value their pocket or bank account.
“Why you want to be leader is to value people”
2--- Make yourself more valuable:
How do I make myself more valuable as a leader?
Do you have answer to that question? if you do, let me add this to the answer you have
To make yourself more valuable, you need to get better, keep growing (seek for more knowledge and ask for experience from other leaders, this keeps you growing),you also have to keep learning and have to put a lot in you, to be able to give out something, “you can’t give out what you don’t have” certainly!. All these things will help you make yourself valuable, to be that leader you need to be.
3--- Know and relate whatever people value:

This stage is the combination of those two stages. In this stage you need to listen to what people say, value and care for what they value.
John C. Maxwell says “Great leaders are listeners, learners then leaders”
You can’t care for what people value, without learning what they value and then relate it with yours.
4--- You need to do things God value a lot, to be a virtuous leader.
You can’t be a leader without knowing what it means to be a leader

 -Adeyemi A. Micheal


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