Be the hero of your story


Most of the time we watch movies and we noticed that the hero of any adventure and action movies always pass through hard times before he or she become the hero of the movie.
Life is also like those movies, we need to go through hard times to become hero of our own life, some individual fails to believe this instead they see life as win win, whereas, life is lose win.

I have come to realize that if we don't understand what it means to fail in the race of life we can't be successful. There are two concept to failure in becoming an hero of your own story:

1. Failing forward: This simply means to fail and keep on trying until you attain success and become hero of your own story
2. Failing backward: this concept are for those who fail and never try again

Remember, winners never quit and quitters never win.
Are you failing forward or backward in your race of becoming an hero of your story?

It is very important for us to define two major things in the race of becoming an hero, if these two words are not well defined within then we tend to be cutting the grass with a bad cutlass. Success and Failure are just the words we need to define to be an hero of your own story.

Lot of us will define success as the accomplishments of an aim or purpose, but there are lot to that definition, because success is in these three ways, which are:

1. Knowing your purpose in the race of becoming an hero. We cannot just wake up a day and say we want to be an hero of our life without defining what the purpose is of becoming an hero.
2. Growing to reach your potentials. Success lies in the heart of growing to reach our potentials, we all have lot of potential in us, growing to visualize those potentials is success.
3. Sowing seeds that benefit others. Success without significant is nothing. To be an hero of your own story you need to sow seeds that others will benefit from and will also use such to affect others positively.

By now I guess you should have lot of insight about what success mean in become an hero of your own story.

Many of us know failure always bring depression to the mind and also make us weak.
A great author John C. Maxwell defined Failure as "a price to pay to achieve success"
Yes! I find that definition appealing, because putting this definition in mind as an hero, kills all form of weakness and depression that may be caused by failure.
John further said this two things about failure:
"Mistakes becomes failures when we continually respond to them incorrectly"
"Mistakes don't define failure. They are merely the price of achievement on the success journey"
We only misuse failures because we didn't get a good definition of failure.
Get a new definition of failure!

Remember, There is no excuse for failure

Being an hero of your own story is self leadership. If you are able to be an hero of your own story then you are able of becoming an great leader.

Don't be depressed, weak and reluctant to become the hero Of your life

It's in you!
Exhibit it.
You are an hero!


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