
Showing posts from January, 2019


Take a deep breath Calm down and read through ........ Do not be a Jack of all trade leader, who do not want to equip others to get the job done. Building your capacity as a leader, involves you equipping others. Do not be selfish to build your capacity and not build others' ............... It was said by a great author John C. Maxwell that " you grow a company by growing people in the company " that is absolutely right. Growing others can be related to developing others. Out of the three thoughts on developing others is Equipping. Equipping others as a leader is a great step of developing others, equipping simply means giving out methods and steps on how jobs need to be done. Most unsuccessful leaders failed this principle by not equipping their followers, this has made some followers stagnant of growth. As a leader who want to achieve greatness, you need to provide necessary efficient words, actions and materials things to your followers to achieve greatness. ...