Harvest of corruption
The current situation in Nigeria is as a result of our so called self centered leaders, but the situation cannot be draw to the hands of our leaders alone without me and you, have we put in our own quotas to the removal of corruption in the country?
Corruption is one thing which cannot be argue between two parties, because it involves the thing of the mind we have towards someone, a particular thing, situations, and anything in general.
Harvest is gathering product or results of labour. In other word it means to "Reap". Corruption is a form of dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in position or power. In other words corruption is to acquire personal benefit, in which others will suffer for. There is a saying that, "What you sow is what you will reap", if during the process of sowing you sow with corruption, definitely one will reap with pain.
What bring about corruption?
There are numerous acts that bring about corruption but few are listed below;
1. Unsatisfied
2. Position or Power
3. Selfishness
4. Lack of enduring in a situation
5. Afraid of failing
6. Inability
7. Lack of determination
8. Attitude
9. Emotion
10. Actions
Harvest of corruption is like a farmer who laboured for some months but was not diligent and did not take all necessary precautions after sowing, is the farmer expected to harvest good produces?
Harvest of corruption, this little phrase have big interpretation but the best way which one can interpret it, is that, those individuals who get involve in corruption, what will be their harvest or what will they reap?
1. Harvest of corruption is pain, those who get involve in corruption have put one or two people in pain then their reward will be pain.
2. Harvest of corruption is poverty, Fraudster will come in turn to be in poverty, though they might be rich physically but a lot will go on within them that money cannot buy.
3. Harvest of corruption is lack of peace of mind.
4. Harvest of corruption is sorrow. In one way or the other those who get involved in corruption will reap sorrow.
5. Harvest of corruption is unsuccessful. Corrupt people are unsuccessful.
6. Harvest of corruption is failure.
7. Harvest of corruption is destruction.
The rewards for corruption are evil things that befall those who get involve in bad attitudes. Corruption is not only the things that involves physical attitudes or things, but also deal with what goes on in the mind of an individual towards another.
Harvest of corruption is evil, corruption is the bedrock of all evil acts, nothing good comes out of corruption.
Leaders, lead with a faithful heart.
Say no to corruption
Live a free corrupt life
-Adeyemi A. Micheal
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